Troy and Christina embody a classic love story. They knew each other almost their entire lives. They grew up going to the same church and attended high-school together. The two year age difference kept them in separate crowds. But a few years later, April 2010, a high-school musical brought them back together, except this time they saw each other in a new light.
Troy made the first move and asked Christina out for coffee. Little did they know that date would turn into over three hours of conversation, revealing how similar their lives were. It seemed they wanted the exact same things. Christina remembers thinking “It was the strangest yet most revealing time of my life because at that moment, it was like God was telling me, Christina, this guy is totally someone that I want you to consider and get to know better.” By May they were dating.
Its been over three years since their first coffee shop conversations. Christina describes their relationship as lovable, positive-spirited and thrilling. Troy says it is loving, laughter-filled and comfortable. They both enjoy challenges. Just this past June they took part in the Tough Mudder. It doesn’t stop there, together they hike, kayake and rock climb! This adventurous couple also has an artistic side, as they both enjoy the performing arts and music. Ultimately, their foundation lies with their love for God.
It was a pleasure getting to know them better throughout their engagement session. They are spunky and fun to be around. This classy couple is perfect in front of the camera.
That church where they grew up together will now be where they say their vows. Can’t wait for this April wedding!